Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blog #1


            This Blu electronic cigarette advertisement corresponds to Soloman’s idea of elitism and belonging. The myth portrayed in this advertisement is the myth of fame, fortune and high social class.
            The first thing that caught my eye in this advertisement is the model’s seductive and persuasive gaze. It seems as though she is trying attract the attention of others who desire to be like her and have fame and fortune. The model is also wearing a large amount of bright eye makeup to pull the focus and bring out this look in her eyes. The next thing I noticed after looking at the model’s face is the shining light at the end of the cigarette. I feel as though this light makes the cigarette look fun and similar to a toy. Also, by having the model wear light pink nail polish, attention is once again drawn to the cigarette in her hands. This pink color stands out because it is the only place where the color pink appears in this advertisement. The whole left side of the advertisement is black and most of the font is written in blue because of the brand’s name.
            Since the makers of this advertisement felt it necessary to add in fine print that the model is also a famous music artist means that they are trying to exaggerate the fact that a celebrity uses their product. Fans of DJ Heavy Grinder that idolize her or any teenager that dreams to be famous will want to be just like her. They also have the model wearing an obnoxious fur coat on a private jet to portray luxury, fortune and high class. The setting of being on a jet may also be used to make it seem as though the DJ is traveling and on her way to perform. This is an example of elitism.
             This advertisement is obviously trying to be extravagant. By saying that these e-cigarettes are “smoking redefined” is trying to make it sound like the product is a new, high quality and fashionable trend. In other recent advertisements by Blu, more well-known celebrities such as Stephen Dorff and Jenny McCarthy are used.
            Next, the advertisement states in the text that their brand uses U.S.A. made flavors. People are more drawn to products that are made in the U.S. By using the word freedom, they are presenting a sense of nationalism and spreading the message that if you use electronic cigarettes versus regular cigarettes, you can have your freedom.
A main part of this advertisement is the coupon at the bottom of the page. Everyone loves coupons and if someone sees a coupon, they are more likely to buy that item. The use of a coupon is to make people think they are getting a deal but the coupon is only eligible for starter kits. This is to persuade people to leave their old brand and try this one, or for people who are just starting to use electronic cigarettes.
            Something very important about this advertisement is that it does not list any health warnings or side effects like other electronic cigarette brand advertisements include. This advertisement is also trying to make it seem like smoking electronic cigarettes is safe. Although e-cigarettes are healthier than regular cigarettes because these do not have tobacco, electronic cigarettes still have nicotine which can become highly addictive. Many countries have already banned the use of electronic cigarettes.
             I believe this advertisement is mostly trying to reach out to teenagers who desire to be popular and famous. If younger non-smokers think that this form of smoking is safe, they will likely be tempted to take up this form of smoking. These kids could become addicted and eventually move onto actual tobacco-containing cigarettes. Also, this advertisement can make cigarette smokers feel like they are a part of a popular trend and will never want to quit smoking. 

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