Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blog #2

Isopure TV Commercial Link:

            Isopure is a brand that makes pure protein drinks and powders that are lactose and milk sugar free. This print advertisement is specifically for their liquid protein sports drink. This advertisement is a great example of the stereotype that men are to be extremely muscular and manly.
            The man in this advertisement is centered and larger than the picture of the drinks, so therefore our eyes are drawn to the athlete. The man is not wearing a shirt to also draw attention and show off his upper body strength. Boys and men who want to become athletes, or anyone who wants to be proud of their body, would love to be muscular like the man in this advertisement. This man portrays masculinity because of his expansive stance and stern facial expression. His facial expression shows feelings of confidence and dominance. The athlete also looks determined because he is not looking directly at the camera, but is looking above and beyond.
The model looks like a professional athlete or body builder, but in reality he is just a regular man. Isopure could have used celebrities and professional athletes, but instead they decided to use regular people because this is a brand made for the people. Isopure started out when the CEO of the company consulted regular people about their fitness needs and created the product around them. The athletes in the advertisements used the product to change their lives and are able to show it with their protruding muscles. These real athletes also have truly authentic and inspirational stories. By using real athletes who exercised and achieved their dreams of being in shape, these advertisements can persuade others to work hard and achieve their goals through this product.
People who read this advertisement can relate to this product when they read the text, “we are all more than muscle. We’re for shorties, ballers, marathoners, shredders, adventurers, moms and dads, because there’s so much more to each and every one of us.” Also, in the video commercial for Isopure, the athlete says that he works out every day so that his body is an example that anyone can do it too. The only problem that I have with the message that anyone can do it is that in all of Isopure’s advertisements, there is only one advertisement that uses a female athlete. Even if females are not their target audience, there are still many muscular female body builders and athletes. In the text in the print advertisement, the word “dads” is much larger, bolder and more noticeable than the word “moms” that sideways and in small font. This advertisement is portraying that only men can be muscular athletes or that men are just better at it. There are great, muscular, female athletes that girls and boys look up to as role models. 

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